Nordic ui капитальный ремонт интерфейса скайрим ле

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NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul

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Virus scan

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About this mod

Replaces *everything*. Requires SkyUI and SkyHUD.

Nexus requirements

Mod name Notes
SkyHUD Required for the HUD
SkyUI Required for almost all of the modules

Mods requiring this file

Mod name Notes
Alternate 3D Main Menu — North Wanderer (NORDIC UI)
Aura’s Inventory Tweaks for SkyUI Conditional Requirement. For patch.
Body Slots — NORDIC UI Main File
Colored Nordic Category Icons for SkyUI Not a hard requirement but recommended.
Colorful Nordic UI Markers
CoMAP — Nordic UI Patch Required as it’s the second mod in the patch
Custom Skills Menu NORDIC UI Patch Not a hard requirement
Dot crosshair for NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul
Elden Ring HUD optional — compass (Install Only the «HUD»)
Frostfall UI Nordic UI patch obviously you need the best UI on nexus 🙂
Fuz Ro Bork — Dialogue and Book UI Patches OPTIONAL supported mod
God of War 2018 HUD Not required, just recommended for the modern sleekness. Download everything except the HUD
Inpa Sekiro — Nordic UI Patch
Menu Replacer PEPE Edition
Nordic Equip Soft Req, inspiration
NORDIC UI — Alternate loading screen and start menu
NORDIC UI — Alternate SkyHUD preset
NORDIC UI — Alternate SkyHUD preset for TrueHUD
NORDIC UI — Better Scroll Bar
Nordic UI — Clean StartMenu Required
NORDIC UI — Compass Markers Restored For the rest of the UI
NORDIC UI — Configurable Sleep Wait Menu Required for the rest of Nordic UI modules
NORDIC UI — Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Simplified Chinese
NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Turkish Translation v2.4.1 sürümüne uygundur.
NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul—Simplified Chinese Transilation
Nordic UI — Less Intrusive Hud II Patch Install this patch after Nordic UI
Nordic UI — Menu Cleaned and Upscaled
NORDIC UI — Miscellaneous Patches Not a hard requirement
Nordic UI — MoreHUD — Enemy Health Bars Patched HARD REQUIREMENT
NORDIC UI — Persistent Meters For reasons
NORDIC UI — PlayStation Icons Patch Install PlayStation Icons patch AFTER NORDIC UI.
NORDIC UI — QuickLoot EE Required
NORDIC UI — SkyUI AIO Survival (SAS) Patch — Sunhelm — Frostfall — CC Survival Mode Required for 16:9 (or similar) resolutions (e.g. 3840×2160, 2560×1440, 1920×1080, etc.)
NORDIC UI — SkyUI Weapons Pack SE (with Frostfall Compatibility) Required for the rest of Nordic UI modules
Nordic UI — Start Menu Anniversary Edition Fix
NORDIC UI — Ukrainian COMPASS (Berserker Style) Основний мод
Nordic UI AE Patch Requires the parallax background and SkyHUD preset option while installing.
NORDIC UI Markers Required
Nordic UI Splash Screen Skin for Desktop Splash Screen I mean It’ll work without this, but It was made specifically FOR this, so.
Nordic UI-Vanilla Icon Compass Marker Restored for Compass Navigation Overhaul obviously
Nordic. ish — A TrueHUD preset based on Nordic UI My preset will techincally work without this, but. why?
NordicUI ShowRaceMenu restored Actually it’s not required, the file i attached would work even without it. But why tf do you want to use it without Nordic UI? The whole point is to have all UIs done in the same style. Don’t do this to yourself. Download Nordic UI.
Oxygen Meter 2 — Nordic UI like Skin Needed as this mod purpose is to match this UI
Star’s Widget Preset for NORDIC UI This is the UI in the screenshots
Translation NORDIC UI PT-BR
Yukis’ Tavern Menu and Music AE — SE not REQUIRED just recommended

Author’s instructions

Permissions are open to use my art as you wish.
Please check SkyUI’s and SkyHUD’s permissions as well.

File credits

Fhaarkas for SkyHUD
SkyUI Team for SkyUI

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Language Name
Mandarin Author: FrankSol NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul—Simplified Chinese Transilation
Portuguese Author: iSilent99 Translation NORDIC UI PT-BR
Mandarin Author: Joke NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Simplified Chinese
Turkish Author: kagitmiadam NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Turkish Translation

Nordic UI is a complete interface overhaul. Some of the UI sounds have been remade as well.
I highly recommend using my SkyHUD preset (and editing it to your liking), because I have made position/size changes in the hudmenu.swf therefore other
presets might not look as intended.

This is designed for Sovngarde font.


3D Parallax Background (Main Menu)
New UI Sounds
New Skill Menu Background
New Shout Meter Design
SkyHUD Support
True Directional Movement Support
Quick Loot Support

— Animated letters on HUD not always centered. Minor issue.


Are you going to make a patch for X mod?

Can you change X thing for me?

FL Studio

I’m not interested in setting up a Patreon-page, instead, if you want to feed me money, you could waste it on some of my music :)


Skyrim SE-LE «Капитальный ремонт интерфейса»

Это для SE но и подойдет для LE

Изменения для LE немного но приятно глазу.

Все можно настроить. NMM


  • Через Nexus Mod Manager или Vortex
  • Мод можно также установить вручную — распакуйте содержимое архива в папку «Data»

на Le не идет, зачем обманывать? уже при входе в игру вместо фона красный экран, при открытии инвентаря выдает ошибку версии SkyUI, мол нужна версия для SE 5.2

русский есть (не качал)?

Что имеешь виду?

языки не изменяются в игре все рус.

Что с инвентарем персонажа? Все чёрное, и выйти из инвентаря

SkyUI установи и будет все работать норм

Установил, все робит)

Спасибо за отклик👍

У меня нет ни иконок и букв в самой игре что делать

написали бы хоть какие функций поддерживает LE чтоб не требовало skse 5.2

реально, а какие функции поддерживает. Я 3 дня делал сборку и в итоге мне чтоль отказываться от этого UI?

когда скопировал мод в дату то он не появился в лаунчере и в самой игре тоже нема (если что играю на легендари эдишн)

Я на писал что на строить можно в NMM

Мод на самом деле изумительный. Но у меня видимо потому что винда пропатчена для чёрной темы, из-за чего текст в интерфейсе игры теперь тоже чёрный на чёрном фоне. В основном предметы, не видно названий. Не знаю как это фиксить, не хочется раздевать винду, удалил к своему сожалению.


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NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Uploaded by

Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

Replaces *everything*. Requires SkyUI and SkyHUD.

Nexus requirements

Mod name Notes
SkyHUD Required for the HUD
SkyUI Required for almost all of the modules

Mods requiring this file

Mod name Notes
Alternate 3D Main Menu — North Wanderer (NORDIC UI)
Aura’s Inventory Tweaks for SkyUI Conditional Requirement. For patch.
Body Slots — NORDIC UI Main File
Colored Nordic Category Icons for SkyUI Not a hard requirement but recommended.
Colorful Nordic UI Markers
CoMAP — Nordic UI Patch Required as it’s the second mod in the patch
Custom Skills Menu NORDIC UI Patch Not a hard requirement
Dot crosshair for NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul
Elden Ring HUD optional — compass (Install Only the «HUD»)
Frostfall UI Nordic UI patch obviously you need the best UI on nexus 🙂
Fuz Ro Bork — Dialogue and Book UI Patches OPTIONAL supported mod
God of War 2018 HUD Not required, just recommended for the modern sleekness. Download everything except the HUD
Inpa Sekiro — Nordic UI Patch
Menu Replacer PEPE Edition
Nordic Equip Soft Req, inspiration
NORDIC UI — Alternate loading screen and start menu
NORDIC UI — Alternate SkyHUD preset
NORDIC UI — Alternate SkyHUD preset for TrueHUD
NORDIC UI — Better Scroll Bar
Nordic UI — Clean StartMenu Required
NORDIC UI — Compass Markers Restored For the rest of the UI
NORDIC UI — Configurable Sleep Wait Menu Required for the rest of Nordic UI modules
NORDIC UI — Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Simplified Chinese
NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Turkish Translation v2.4.1 sürümüne uygundur.
NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul—Simplified Chinese Transilation
Nordic UI — Less Intrusive Hud II Patch Install this patch after Nordic UI
Nordic UI — Menu Cleaned and Upscaled
NORDIC UI — Miscellaneous Patches Not a hard requirement
Nordic UI — MoreHUD — Enemy Health Bars Patched HARD REQUIREMENT
NORDIC UI — Persistent Meters For reasons
NORDIC UI — PlayStation Icons Patch Install PlayStation Icons patch AFTER NORDIC UI.
NORDIC UI — QuickLoot EE Required
NORDIC UI — SkyUI AIO Survival (SAS) Patch — Sunhelm — Frostfall — CC Survival Mode Required for 16:9 (or similar) resolutions (e.g. 3840×2160, 2560×1440, 1920×1080, etc.)
NORDIC UI — SkyUI Weapons Pack SE (with Frostfall Compatibility) Required for the rest of Nordic UI modules
Nordic UI — Start Menu Anniversary Edition Fix
NORDIC UI — Ukrainian COMPASS (Berserker Style) Основний мод
Nordic UI AE Patch Requires the parallax background and SkyHUD preset option while installing.
NORDIC UI Markers Required
Nordic UI Splash Screen Skin for Desktop Splash Screen I mean It’ll work without this, but It was made specifically FOR this, so.
Nordic UI-Vanilla Icon Compass Marker Restored for Compass Navigation Overhaul obviously
Nordic. ish — A TrueHUD preset based on Nordic UI My preset will techincally work without this, but. why?
NordicUI ShowRaceMenu restored Actually it’s not required, the file i attached would work even without it. But why tf do you want to use it without Nordic UI? The whole point is to have all UIs done in the same style. Don’t do this to yourself. Download Nordic UI.
Oxygen Meter 2 — Nordic UI like Skin Needed as this mod purpose is to match this UI
Star’s Widget Preset for NORDIC UI This is the UI in the screenshots
Translation NORDIC UI PT-BR
Yukis’ Tavern Menu and Music AE — SE not REQUIRED just recommended

Author’s instructions

Permissions are open to use my art as you wish.
Please check SkyUI’s and SkyHUD’s permissions as well.

File credits

Fhaarkas for SkyHUD
SkyUI Team for SkyUI

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Language Name
Mandarin Author: FrankSol NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul—Simplified Chinese Transilation
Portuguese Author: iSilent99 Translation NORDIC UI PT-BR
Mandarin Author: Joke NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Simplified Chinese
Turkish Author: kagitmiadam NORDIC UI — Interface Overhaul — Turkish Translation

Nordic UI is a complete interface overhaul. Some of the UI sounds have been remade as well.
I highly recommend using my SkyHUD preset (and editing it to your liking), because I have made position/size changes in the hudmenu.swf therefore other
presets might not look as intended.

This is designed for Sovngarde font.


3D Parallax Background (Main Menu)
New UI Sounds
New Skill Menu Background
New Shout Meter Design
SkyHUD Support
True Directional Movement Support
Quick Loot Support

— Animated letters on HUD not always centered. Minor issue.


Are you going to make a patch for X mod?

Can you change X thing for me?

FL Studio

I’m not interested in setting up a Patreon-page, instead, if you want to feed me money, you could waste it on some of my music :)


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